Tuesday 21 April 2015

Arger Fen-Bures 7 mile circular route

Having finally got completely fed up with running the same old routes around the town I took to Google maps and planned out a few courses around nearby villages. Not to far away, after all theres no need to travel to far for training or pleasure runs, we can leave the traveling for organised events.
As I run these course I will explain them on here, hopefully in enough detail so you can enjoy them as well.

This course I will be describing is around Bures, a village about 5 miles from Sudbury, and around 7 miles from Colchester. The run starts from Arger Fen, which is a Suffolk wildlife trust nature reserve about a mile or so outside Bures.
Getting to the parking place.
Heading from Sudbury turn left at the old Chambers depot, and follow this road along for about 1.5 miles, and turn left at the crossroads. Drive up the hill and over the top until you start to head down hill, about 1 mile from the left turn you made. You will come across some parking bays on the right, park here for the run. Free parking, always good.
The run begins.
Like I said just now, you should just be on the down slope, thats the way you will head, nice down hill to start. Follow the road down, try to keep dry at the ford which crosses at the bottom, theres a little walkway at the side. Be aware that it can be slippery on the walkway, and also on the cobbles just before you get back onto the road proper. Well, thats the downhill bit done for a while, now for some uphill. Its quite steep to the top so dont go to mad, its approximately 1/2 mile of climb. When it does eventually level out its an open countryside view all around. Keep on this road until you come to a T junction.
Turn left at the junction, the signpost says Bures 3, Lt Cornard 2 1/2.
This road can get quite busy, depending on the time of day and what day you run on. I ran this route on a Sunday morning at around 08:30 so it wasn't to bad. Make sure you keep your wits about you. If you do listen to music while you run, I do when alone, I recommend taking one earpiece out so you can hear traffic approaching, and run towards the oncoming vehicles. I know some folk will say DON'T WEAR HEADPHONES WHEN RUNNING ON THE ROAD, I'm not here to tell you what to do, or what not to do, just that if you do wear them, turn it down a little.
Ok, so back to the route. The road your on now takes you downhill (eventually) into Bures. This is quite an undulating section that finishes with a nice downhill section (Cuckoo Hill) into the village.
The hill becomes paved about 2/3rds of the way down, stay on the path and when at the bottom of the hill at the T junction cross over to the other side of the road that forms the T, and head left. Be aware of the narrow path, and road, and watch out for buses and lorries which may come close to the edge. After a hundred yards or so you will come to a 3 way junction. The main road goes round to the right, but you want to go left, keeping the church on your right. Crossing just after the old Chambers bus depot on your left. Follow the road around to the left and run past the 3 Horseshoes public house, somewhere to stop after maybe? Follow the road around right. You will stay on this road for about 1.5 miles, be warned there is a serious climb on this section. This section of the route is unpaved, and this section can also be busy at times, caution is required as before. Enjoy the flat section just as you head out of the village, and run past the sports field. After 1.5  miles you will come to a crossroads, turn left, signed, Assington 3, Boxford 5. Glorious flat views of the surrounding countryside can be had from this crossroads, maybe other places to explore? After the left turn its all uphill to the finish, well, mostly uphill, there is the slight down slope where you parked! Its approximately 1 mile back to the car and a well deserved sit down, or, maybe a gentle jog down to the ford to make it a round 7 miles, and, if you have company like I did, a game of Pooh sticks in the ford before off to the pub.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this post, and if you do decide to follow this route I hope you enjoy it, be warned though, it is, ahem, undulating!
Approximately 7 miles

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